
Friday, August 2, 2013

Here goes nothing...

After spending countless hours lots of time on pinterest and reading tons of other wonderful ladies' blogs I have finally decided to pull the trigger and start my own.  It's an idea I've been kicking around for a couple of years but I was always worried that I wouldn't have enough to say or people wouldn't like what I posted.  As I get ready for the arrival of my second little man I realized that I needed something in my life that was for me, the girly mama, since I am constantly surrounded by testosterone.

I have always been somewhat of a perfectionist but when my son was born I realized that I had to let a lot of things go.  That doesn't mean that the perfectionist inside me doesn't rear her ugly head but I'm learning that the best I can do is good enough.  At the same time, when I get a good idea and it turns out well I want to share, so that is where this blog comes in.  Those ideas might be outfits, recipes, craft projects, or anything else that comes up in my daily life.  I hope you'll enjoy learning how to be imperfect and fabulous with me.



  1. So excited you started this blog!!

    Can't wait to read about, and see photos of, all your awesome projects!!

  2. I'm excited too! You are a pro and you already started!
