
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What I Wore Wednesday - Back to School

Yesterday was the first day of school for my students.  It was also the first time since I became a mom that I started the school year as a full-time teacher.  I know how lucky I have been to have had so much extra time with Jake, but I am really struggling with being back to full time.  Since we only have a few more months as a family of three I am mourning those couple of days a week of Mommy & Jake time that we are losing.

That's enough on my little pity party, onto the clothes.  Now that I am entering my third trimester (I'll be 27 weeks on Saturday) I figured it was time to break out the maternity clothes.  I saved everything from my pregnancy with Jake plus I've inherited things from a few people.  I spent some time on Labor Day going through the bin and doing laundry.  One of the pieces that I'm adding back into my closet was this dress.

I actually wore this dress for the first day of school when I was pregnant with Jake, 5 years ago.  I was 6 weeks less pregnant then than I am now, but I had also gained a lot more weight that time around so this is still a little roomy.

I wanted to look a little dressed up, but it has been disgustingly hot here and I wanted something that was going to help me stay cool.  This dress is cotton so it is nice and breathable.

I was a little nervous about spending the whole day on my feet (and rightfully so, they were killing me by the end of the day) so I decided flats were in order, though my favorite wedges would have been even cuter.  This sweet little pair of flats are actually kids' shoes.  (I'm a size 6 so I can wear a girl's 4.)  The cut-outs make them a little more interesting than a plain white flat would be, plus they add a little bit of air flow.

Dress - Motherhood Maternity - old
Flats - Target (kids) - old - Similar here on sale for $12.99 

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