
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Motherhood Together Mommy & Me Classes

I received a discount to participate in their classes but all opinions are my own.

When I had Jake I joined a new moms group at the hospital where I delivered.  Every week I would get out of the house and spend time with other moms who were going through what I was going through.  After the group we would walk over to BJ's and have lunch on the patio.  Some weeks, this group was what kept me going.  It was such a lifesaver for me and I knew I wanted to join it again when Luke was born.  I was devastated to find out that the woman who ran the group left the hospital and so they stopped holding it.  Even though I have a lot of friends with kids, none of my friends have kids the same age as Luke.  They all had their kids closer together than we did.  While my girlfriends are great, sometimes you need to talk to someone who is going through the same thing.  Sometimes I don't want to hear, "oh I remember that," I want to hear, "Oh my gosh, that is the worst, I'm dying right now with _______ too!"  Like most moms out there, I was going a little crazy in the first few months and I knew that I needed to find a mom's group.

Then one day I heard about Motherhood Together.  Three lovely ladies, Alex, Chelsea, and Bianca, met in a moms group with their adorable little ones, now toddlers.  They also realized how valuable having a community of moms and a place to go every week was so they decided to create Motherhood Together.  It was exactly what I needed.  Their 8 week classes meet once a week for an hour and half.  Some of the sessions have a guest speaker and others have a topic.  What every week has in common, is a safe space to be with other moms where you can vent about things that are making you crazy, share the moments that are bringing you joy, and most importantly of all make friends for yourself and your adorable little one.

One week the speaker was a sleep specialist and I was so excited.  Jake was a phenomenal sleeper so I assumed that I had sleep training all figured out.  Um, not so much.  Luke is a completely different person and in no area is that more clear than when it comes to sleep.  Having a sleep specialist there to give advice and answer questions was exactly what I needed.

Another week the wonderful Crisanta from Infinifoto came and did mini shoots for each of us.  You can never get enough pictures of your little ones, and honestly, professionals get paid for a reason.  These pics are so much better than what I can take.  That being said, she also gave us some tips to help improve our own pictures.  (In honor of this post, Josh finally relented and allowed me to share a pic of our littlest man.)  Look at that face!  There aren't even words. 

We also got to hear from lactation consultant extraordinaire, Jen from Milkalicious (such a great store for nursing mamas) and we got to play with Discovery Toys.  In fact, I liked Discovery Toys so much, I decided to sell them myself but that is a topic for another day.

Motherhood Together is the perfect resource for Orange County mamas whether this is your first baby or your third (or second, or fourth, you get the idea).  Having a place to go every week is just what you need.  It is the perfect venue for making new friends because the classes aren't too big.  It may not seem like it, but I'm actually kind of shy.  In a big group it is hard for me to put myself out there and make friends.  Have a smaller, structured group takes away that pressure.  Plus, no one cares if your baby has a blowout, spits up everywhere, or has a meltdown.  We're all in it together.

In fact, we're all in it together is the idea behind Motherhood Together.  It's that idea of supporting one another even when you don't do things exactly the same that makes these classes so wonderful.  There is no judgement, just support.  On top of all of the wonderful features I've mentioned, you get to know the lovely ladies who created Motherhood Together.  They are such amazing mamas and while they each do things a little bit differently, they couldn't be closer.

Motherhood Together has new sessions starting all of the time, so even if you don't see one on their site that works for you, I encourage you to reach out to the ladies.  If you are a mama with a baby (or babies) under a year old Motherhood Together is for you.  I know you are super excited about Motherhood Together, but get even more excited because Alex, Chelsea, and Bianca are so amazing that they are offering a 10% discount to all Imperfect & Fabulous readers.   Just send the girls an email before you pay and they will contact you with details about how to get your discount.

I received a discount to participate in their classes but all opinions are my own.

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